The employee punch site tab allows you to customize the way your employees clock in and out.
Kiosk (group punch) Settings
- Kiosk: Toggle this on to turn a central device into a group-punch site.
- Kiosk Registration: Registers your current device as the kiosk, and restricts punching to that specific device.
Employee Punch Site
- Custom Logo: Upload your company’s logo for display on your kiosk.
- Schedule: Determines if employees are able to view schedules.*
Note you can set schedule visibility based on your preferences. Choose "Personal" to allow employees to view their schedule, "All Employees" to allow employees to view everyone's schedule, or "Off" for no schedule visibility.
Multilingual Prompts
- Multilingual Prompts: Turn this on if you’d like to translate time clock prompts into another language.*
- Enter Employee Number: Enter the translation of the phrase “Enter Employee Number” you’d like to use.
- Next: Enter the translation of the word “Next” you’d like to use.
- Punch In: Enter the translation of the phrase “Punch In” you’d like to use.
- Punch Out: Enter the translation of the phrase “Punch Out” you’d like to use.
Note that, if enabled, multilingual prompts are only displayed when accessing OnTheClock in kiosk mode.
Global Message
- Message Start Date: Enter the start date for displaying a message at clock-in.
- Message End Date: Enter the end date for displaying a message at clock-in.
- Global Message: Enter the message you’d like displayed to all employees as they clock in.